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2021 NACCHO 360 Conference

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The 2021 NACCHO 360 Conference will be held fully virtual, June 29–July 1, 2021. Local public health professionals and their partners will have the opportunity to interact with leaders in the industry, develop partnerships, and share innovative solutions to issues affecting communities across the nation.

The plenaries and sharing sessions will highlight the conference theme, "Driving Public Health Forward: A Dynamic Response to Working Together" and will explore how the local public health workforce and its stakeholders can develop collaborative approaches to identify and strengthen cross-sector partnerships; refine and create new data- and information-sharing systems; examine the root causes of health inequity and explore strategies that create prerequisite conditions for achieving health equity; and discover how public health policies are developed to respond to emerging trends—all with the purpose of improving the health of the communities we serve.

With over 100 sharing sessions, workshops, and on-demand content, there will be something for everyone! Speakers will be announced soon. Learn more about the conference and register yourself and your team today!