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Social: #LetsGetLoud, #SAAPM

Twitter: @RAINN

Facebook: @RAINN01


What is RAINN Day?

RAINN Day is an opportunity for college students to demonstrate to their peers that they are an ally in the fight against sexual violence.

When is RAINN Day?

RAINN Day 2019 will be held on Thursday, April 4th during Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM).

How do I participate?

Draw a blue triangle on your hand, symbolizing a megaphone, to show your peers that you care about and are committed to speaking up about sexual violence. You can also host a RAINN Day event! There is no one-size-fits-all event or activity, but we provide a few ideas for you in our newly designed event guide.

I'm with a high school or community group. Can I still host a RAINN Day event?

RAINN Day can be adapted for any community or organization. If you want to educate your community about campus sexual assault, you can host a RAINN Day event.


The RAINN Day hashtag #LetsGetLoud is a call to action that reminds us that we can make a difference on college campuses about sexual assault when we work together. To represent this collective action, we’ve added a unifying activity so everyone can be a part of RAINN Day, regardless of where you live.

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) 
1220 L Street, NW, Suite 505
Washington, DC 20005 
800-656-HOPE (4673) National Sexual Assault Hotline
202-544-3064 Admin 
Materials available 
Contact: Nancy Amestoy

Source: 2019 National Health Observances, National Health Information Center, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC.